Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Cleaning the toilet

So it becomes very quiet and we decide to go check on the kids because when things are all quiet, you know that is never good. When we went into the bathroom we saw Logan playing with a toilet plunger in the toilet and Ella encouraging him. When we asked what they were doing, the looked at us and told said they were cleaning the toilet. So we just shook our head, laughed, and took a picture. What else could we do?

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Utah Trip 2007

Close up of Logan
Logan is telling you to stop or he will hit you with a snowball
Our sweet snow angels
Dad is taking the picture so he isn't in this one
It is a little cold!

So we try to go down to Utah every December to do some shopping and go see Christmas lights at Temple Square. Well we left Friday night and when we got down there there was soooooo much snow. Well the next morning the kids went wild in the snow. They had such a good time and wanted to stay in the snow all day. Rick wasn't happy with driving in the snow but we managed. We went to Temple Square and had a great time with Rick's siblings' families. We thought we would share a few pictures of the fun weekend!

Yellowstone Trip

So this summer we decided to go on a trip with Rick's parents up to Yellowstone. While we were eating we heard some noises behind us and to our surprise a big old buffalo just happened to be passing by. As you can see by the picture, he was close. A few minutes later a ranger came by and pointed out another buffalo that was even closer and was a little upset. So the closer he got the faster we picked up our picnic and hopped into the car. Seconds later the buffalo walked by us and lets just say all he had to do was stick our hand out of the window and we would have touched him. I never saw these while I was living in New York. We saw so many animals and saw lots of beautiful sights!

Halloween 2007

This year the city of Meridian was safe due to the dynamic duo! They were able to walk the streets and take lots of candy (that dad ate most of). We all can sleep good at nights knowing these two are fighting crime!

Our Boise State Broncos!

In the fall there is one thing we all look forward to.... BOISE STATE FOOTBALL! Our broncos had another great year, even though they didn't go as far as they did last year! Rick used all his season tickets and he was nice enough to take me to a few games. He was "super dad" once and took both kids to a game all by himself while I was in New York. Rick and I went to Logan to watch BSU and Utah State. We were able to meet all of our good friend down there to see the broncos crush Utah State. It was fun because I sat and visited with all the girls while Rick caught up with all his boyz! We are hoping Logan can use his arm to play for the Broncos in 16 years. Rick is working on it with him and bought him a jersey that he wears every game day. Rick is already looking forward to next season and will be lost for the next 8 months after BSU plays in the Hawaii Bowl on December 23rd. Go Broncos!!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

What we are up to

So since we are new to this blog world, we will update anyone that cares to know about us.
Well, Rick has a great job as The Director of Client Services at a Childrens' Behavioral and Mental Health Care facility. He has put his masters degree to good use. Myself, I am enjoying being a Mom and doing a little hair here and there. To our kids, Well our oldest Gabriella is 4 1/2 and is a busy little girl between Pre-school and Dance. On top of all that she loves having playdates with all of her friends. We know we have our hands full with her. On the other hand we have our hands full with our "Rick Jr.", I mean Logan. He is 2 1/2 and is all boy and Rick just loves that. In the pictures you can see him in his Superman pj's , when we got that he wore it for 3 days straight and I would have to come up with creative ways to get them off. With both of them we are super busy. That is the update and we will try to keep posting.

My Frist Blog....

Well we have joined the Blogging world! Thanks to the Kunz family giving me a hard time. So here it is my first post. Enjoy my hard work as I try to figure out the Blogging world.

Here is our little Rick Jr. - Logan
Logan and Gabriella a.k.a Superman and Tinkerbell
Here is our Gabriella(sorry don't know how
to rotate the picture.)